1.Which sentence provides an example of swaggered?

-Marco was so ashamed at the grade he received, he only stared at the floor as he walked back to his desk.
-The audience could tell Kelsie was confident, based on the way she strutted down the aisle to claim her prize
-The little girl was so happy to go to the park, she skipped the whole way
-The man angrily kicked the newspaper off of his front porch

2. In "Cream Puff," Jen is a dynamic character because she
-shows her active personality in the story
-is the main character of the story
-stays the same during the course of the story
-changes during the course of the story.

3. Jen resolves her conflict by learning how to
-follow the coach's advice
-play according to her strength
-learn from her father's example
-take a hit on the court

4. Identify the participle in the following sentence.
The violinist memorized the challenging song for the recital.

My answer are

1. B = correct

2. A = probably not correct

3. I don't know.

4. B = incorrect

Ok... Is #4= C OR D


Study this and let me know.

it's C. challenging, because we are doing present particle

It was C.challenging

Challenging ... yes!

1. The correct answer is B: "The audience could tell Kelsie was confident, based on the way she strutted down the aisle to claim her prize." This sentence provides an example of swaggered because it describes someone walking with confidence and a sense of superiority.

2. The correct answer is D: "changes during the course of the story." A dynamic character is one who undergoes significant changes or growth throughout the story, and this choice reflects that definition.

3. The correct answer is B: "play according to her strength." Resolving her conflict by learning how to play according to her strength shows that Jen has learned to adapt and improve, thus resolving her conflict.

4. The participle in the sentence is A: "memorized." A participle is a verb form that functions as an adjective, and in this case, "memorized" modifies the noun "song" to describe its state or condition.

Your answers are correct for questions 1, 2, and 4. However, for question 3, the correct answer is not C. Jen does not learn from her father's example as a resolution to her conflict; instead, she learns to play according to her strength.