What evidence from the article best supports the article's main idea: that middle school students should concentrate on a a few good relationships and not worry about being popular?

-"[You] need to see that liking [yourself] is more important than being part of the in crowd."
-"Good friends build us up and help us feel confident about ourselves.They will most likely be around long after the in crowd is just a memory."
-"Seeking out others with similar interests is often a good place to start trying to fit in and to develop relationships."
-"Who is popular varies from place to place. And of course, not every popular kid is obnoxious or a snob or unfriendly."

And your answer is?



It's not..may u explain it to me and i can see if i get the right answer after you explain it.

Do you understand the question?

No...nt really

Main idea of the article:

Middle school students should have a few good friends. It's not necessary to be popular with a bunch of kids.

The question asks you which of the statements best support the main idea.

It between (A & B) but i think it mostly A

I think B is better.

The evidence from the article that best supports the main idea is the statement, "Good friends build us up and help us feel confident about ourselves. They will most likely be around long after the in crowd is just a memory." This evidence suggests that having a few good relationships with friends who support and build us up is more important than being part of the popular crowd. It reinforces the idea that nurturing genuine, lasting friendships is more valuable for middle school students than seeking popularity.

To find this evidence, you can start by scanning the article for keywords related to the main idea, such as "middle school students," "concentrate on a few good relationships," and "not worry about being popular." Then, you can read the sentences or paragraphs surrounding these keywords to identify the supporting evidence that directly addresses the main idea. In this case, the evidence provided emphasizes the importance of genuine friendships and how they can positively impact individuals in the long run.