i was completing my study guide so i can study and i ran across these questions and needed help?

An activity done in a short burst at a high level of intensity without oxygen is___.


Sarah wants to know her target heart rate zone.Her resting heart rate is 74 beats per minute,and she is 13 years old.What is her target heart rate zone?

A.67-113 beats per min
B.125-185 beats per min
C.140-187 beats per min
D.146-207 beats per min

7.Kevin has a resting heart rate of 70 beats per minute and a maxiaml heart rate of 209 beats per min.What is his target heart rate zone?

A.70-118 beats per min
B.104-178 beats per min
C.135-184 beats per min
D.140-188 beats per min

Katie runs with her sholders back.Kai runs with her feet shuffling.saarah runs with her hands at her chest.Maggie runs with the shortest stride possible.Which girl shows the best form while running?


The first question asks about an activity done in a short burst at a high level of intensity without oxygen. The correct answer is B. anaerobic.

For the second question, to find Sarah's target heart rate zone, you can use the following formula:
Target Heart Rate Zone = ((Max Heart Rate - Resting Heart Rate) x % Intensity) + Resting Heart Rate

Given that Sarah's resting heart rate is 74 beats per minute and she is 13 years old, we need to calculate her maximum heart rate. The common formula to estimate maximum heart rate is 220 - age. So, her maximum heart rate would be 220 - 13 = 207 beats per minute.

To find her target heart rate zone, we need to determine the % Intensity. Generally, the target heart rate zone for moderate exercise is between 50% and 85% of the maximum heart rate.

For this question, let's assume that the target heart rate zone is considered to be at 70% of the maximum heart rate. So, the formula becomes:
Target Heart Rate Zone = ((207 - 74) x 0.7) + 74
Target Heart Rate Zone ≈ ((133 x 0.7) + 74)
Target Heart Rate Zone ≈ (93.1 + 74)
Target Heart Rate Zone ≈ 167.1 beats per minute

Therefore, Sarah's target heart rate zone is approximately 167-187 beats per minute. So, the correct answer is C. 140-187 beats per min.

Next, for Kevin's target heart rate zone, we can use the same formula. Given that his resting heart rate is 70 beats per minute and his maximum heart rate is 209 beats per minute, we can calculate his target heart rate zone assuming 70% intensity.

Target Heart Rate Zone = ((209 - 70) x 0.7) + 70
Target Heart Rate Zone ≈ ((139 x 0.7) + 70)
Target Heart Rate Zone ≈ (97.3 + 70)
Target Heart Rate Zone ≈ 167.3 beats per minute

Therefore, Kevin's target heart rate zone is approximately 167-184 beats per minute. So, the correct answer is C. 135-184 beats per min.

Lastly, to determine which girl shows the best form while running, we need to analyze the descriptions given for each girl.

Katie runs with her shoulders back, Sarah runs with her hands at her chest, Kai runs with her feet shuffling, and Maggie runs with the shortest stride possible.

Based on this information, it is generally considered that running with proper posture and proper stride length is important for maintaining good form while running. Therefore, the girl who shows the best form is B. Katie, who runs with her shoulders back.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

To find the answers to these questions, you need to understand the concepts and apply the given information.

1. An activity done in a short burst at a high level of intensity without oxygen is called anaerobic exercise. So the correct answer is B. anaerobic.

2. To calculate Sarah's target heart rate zone, you can use the Karvonen formula: Target Heart Rate = ((Max Heart Rate - Resting Heart Rate) × % Intensity) + Resting Heart Rate. In this case, Sarah's age is not required because we only need her resting heart rate. The target heart rate zone is usually 50-85% of the maximum heart rate.

Applying the formula:
Max Heart Rate = 220 - Age = 220 - 13 = 207 beats per minute
Resting Heart Rate = 74 beats per minute

Using the 50-85% intensity range, we get:
Lower Limit = ((207 - 74) × 0.5) + 74 = 140 beats per minute
Upper Limit = ((207 - 74) × 0.85) + 74 = 187 beats per minute

So, Sarah's target heart rate zone is C. 140-187 beats per minute.

3. To calculate Kevin's target heart rate zone, you can use the same formula as above, considering his resting and maximum heart rate.

Applying the formula:
Max Heart Rate = 209 beats per minute
Resting Heart Rate = 70 beats per minute

Using the 50-85% intensity range, we get:
Lower Limit = ((209 - 70) × 0.5) + 70 = 135 beats per minute
Upper Limit = ((209 - 70) × 0.85) + 70 = 184 beats per minute

So, Kevin's target heart rate zone is C. 135-184 beats per minute.

4. Determining the best form while running among the given options requires understanding the correct running techniques. Let's analyze each option:

- Kai runs with her feet shuffling: Shuffling feet while running indicates inefficient running form.
- Katie runs with her shoulders back: Proper running form includes maintaining an upright posture, so running with shoulders back is a good form.
- Maggie runs with the shortest stride possible: Running with a short stride is also inefficient form.
- Sarah runs with her hands at her chest: Hand position does not determine the running form.

Based on the given options, Katie (B) running with her shoulders back shows the best form.

Remember, it's important to review the concepts, apply relevant formulas, and understand the principles to approach and answer questions like these accurately.