Disturbance of an ecosystem by human activity often has negative effects on the number of species, which is a measure of its __________________.


boi y u here then :<

Disturbance of an ecosystem by human activity often has negative effects on the number of species, which is a measure of its biodiversity.

To understand why disturbance by human activity affects biodiversity, we need to explore how biodiversity is measured. Biodiversity refers to the variety of different species, their genetic diversity, and the different ecosystems they inhabit. It is a measure of the richness and abundance of living organisms within a particular area or ecosystem.

To determine the number of species in an ecosystem, scientists typically conduct surveys or field studies. These studies involve sampling different habitats within the ecosystem and identifying and counting the species present. This can include plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms.

Human activities, such as deforestation, habitat destruction, pollution, overexploitation, and climate change, can disrupt ecosystems and have negative impacts on biodiversity. For example, when forests are cleared for agriculture or urbanization, the habitats that support various species are destroyed. The loss of habitat leads to a decrease in species numbers as species struggle to survive or migrate to new suitable habitats. Similarly, pollution in water bodies can harm aquatic life, reducing the number of species present.

Therefore, disturbance of an ecosystem by human activity often results in a decline in the number of species, leading to a reduction in biodiversity. Protecting and conserving ecosystems is essential to maintaining the richness and balance of life on Earth.


First Strike.