1. Which of the following traits is acquired

A. the number of petals that grow in a plant's flowers

B. the wing shape of a wild bird

C. the ability of some gorillas to use sign language

D. a cheetah's ability to run faster than any other animal

2. The height of a plant is dependent upon

A. its genes
B. its environment
C. both its genes and its environment
D. neither its genes nor its environment

3. Chromosome pairs are made up of

A. two versions of many genes
B. two alleles
C. two genes
D. two traits

7. How can an offspring inherit a recessive trait?

A. An offspring can inherit a recessive trait if one of its parents has the trait and the other is homozygous for the dominant allele.

B. An offspring can inherit a recessive trait if one of its parents is heterozygous for the recessive allele and the other is homozygous for the dominant allele.

C. An offspring can inherit a recessive trait if both of its parents are homozygous for the dominant allele.

D. An off spring can inherit a recessive trait if both of its parents are heterozygous for the dominant allele.

10. I f two people with wavy hair have offspring, what percentage of their off spring would you expect to have wavy hair?

A. 100%
B. 75%
C. 50%
D. 25%

My Answers

1. D
2. C
3. A
7. D
10. C

And if someone know the every answer to the quiz can you help most of all thank you and anyone else who helps me

1. C

2. C
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. A
7. D
8. C
9. C
10. D

Submit these answers for this quiz and let me know how you did! :D

Well, since no one came to my aid, I guessed on the answers to the test. If you go to connexus, the questions are different from the ones on here. This isn't answering @Help me please because the questions on his/her test are different from the ones for the connexus ones. So, Connexus students, listen up!

1. C
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. A
7. D
8. C
9. C
10. C

I hope these helped!! I didn't get a very good score, but I hope you guys do! Have a nice day :)

10. is C actually

this is actually awesome I know its cheating but wow so many people together just to cheat it beautiful it puts tears in my eyes ;-; <3

All of Jasmine's answers are correct except #10 it's C. I just took the test 10/10 right.

Hi!!! If anyone is looking at this now...... I took the test and all of Jasmine's answers are right. Except for 10. Number 10 is C!!!

Yup I got 10/10 ! 10 is C

This is amazing! I got a 10/10 on this quiz and couldn't have gotten that without you guys

I don't know so much as about this is cheating....I actually needed the help.

Anyway Jasmine and everyone else thanks so much!!

@*Cough Cough*

Thank you so much!!! I knew I was gonna fail if I didn't come here lmao 😂