can you please let me know if there is a web-site that may help thanks

Henery More reviewed medical record 88-00-17 and discovered a missed dose of triazolam on March 10 This type of review is called what

To find a website that may help you with your query, you can start by searching for online medical resources or databases. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to find such a website:

1. Open your web browser and go to a search engine like Google.

2. In the search bar, type in keywords related to your query, such as "medical record analysis," "medication error review," or "medical record review types."

3. Press Enter or click on the search button to get the search results.

4. Scan through the results and look for websites that provide information or services related to medical record reviews. You can generally identify relevant websites by their titles, descriptions, and domain names.

5. Click on the websites that seem relevant to your query and explore their contents. Look for sections or pages that discuss medical record analysis, medication errors, or specific types of reviews, such as the one you mentioned.

6. Read the information provided on these websites to determine if they can help you find the specific type of review you are looking for.

Remember to critically evaluate the information from any website you find, checking for credibility, reliability, and relevancy to your particular needs.

Please note that I am an AI language model and do not have access to the internet to browse websites in real-time. Thus, I cannot provide you with specific website recommendations. However, following the steps outlined above should guide you in finding a website that can help you with your query.