I need to figure out this proof, the figure is two triangles forming a rhombus.

Given: segment BD is the angle bisector of triangle ABC and triangle ADC
Prove: Triangle ABD is congruent to Triangle CBD

So far I have segment BD is the angle bisector of triangle ABC and triangle ADC (Given), and segment BD is congruent to segment BD (Reflexive property)... where do I go on from here?

since ABCD is a rhombus, all the sides are equal.

So, we already know that AD=AB=BC=CD
Since BD is an angle bisector,

So, we have SAS and the triangles are congruent.

To prove that Triangle ABD is congruent to Triangle CBD, we can use the Angle-Angle-Side (AAS) congruence criterion. Here's how you can proceed:

1. Given: Segment BD is the angle bisector of Triangle ABC and Triangle ADC.
2. Reflexive property: Segment BD is congruent to itself (Reflexive property of congruence).
3. Angle bisector property: BD is the angle bisector of Angle ABC and Angle ABD.
4. Definition of angle bisector: An angle bisector divides an angle into two congruent angles.
Therefore, Angle ABD is congruent to Angle CBD.
5. Angle-Angle (AA) congruence: Since Angle ABD is congruent to Angle CBD (from step 4), we have Angle ADB congruent to Angle CDB.
6. Segment BD is common: Since Segment BD is common to both triangles ABD and CBD (from step 2), we have two pairs of congruent angles (Angle ADB ≅ Angle CDB and Angle ABD ≅ Angle CBD) and a common side (Segment BD).
7. Angle-Angle-Side (AAS) congruence criterion: From step 6, we have Angle ADB ≅ Angle CDB, Angle ABD ≅ Angle CBD, and Segment BD ≅ Segment BD. Therefore, by the AAS congruence criterion, we can conclude Triangle ABD is congruent to Triangle CBD.

Thus, Triangle ABD is congruent to Triangle CBD based on the given information and proof steps.