An appliance is on sale at 30% discount. If the sale price is $42.00, what was the original price of the appliance?

That is not correct

the 42.00 represents .7 of the original price
so .7x = 42
x = 42/.7 = $60
The original price was $60

30% discount of $60 = .3(60) = 18
sale price = 60 - 18 = 42

your way:
.3(42) = 12.60
your price = 42+12.60 = 54.6

now .3(54.6) = 16.38
your sale price = 54.60 - 16.38 = $38 ≠ $42

Do 42 times .30 and whatever number you get, add onto 42 and that's the original price.

Thank you so much, this really helped me. I didn't understand how you got .7 at first but now that you sort of explained it I get it now!

To find the original price of the appliance, you can use the formula:

Original Price = Sale Price / (1 - Discount Percentage)

In this case, the sale price is $42.00 and the discount is 30%.

First, convert the discount percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100:

Discount Percentage = 30 / 100 = 0.30

Substitute the values into the formula:

Original Price = $42.00 / (1 - 0.30)

Calculate the expression inside the parentheses:

Original Price = $42.00 / 0.70

Now, divide $42.00 by 0.70 to find the original price:

Original Price = $60.00

Therefore, the original price of the appliance was $60.00.