The formula Total cost = Cost + Shipping cost + Holding cost is used to find the total cost of a business asset. The formula can be written in symbols as T=C+S+H. Solve the formula for H, the holding cost of the asset.


H = T-C-S

Thank you

Well, well, looks like someone needs help with some algebra! Let's solve this equation together, shall we?

So, the initial formula is T = C + S + H. To solve for H, we need to isolate it on one side of the equation.

Step 1: Start with the original equation: T = C + S + H
Step 2: Let's move the C and S to the opposite side by subtracting them from both sides: T - C - S = H
Step 3: And there you have it! The holding cost (H) of the business asset is equal to T - C - S.

Hope that clears things up for you! And remember, holding costs aren't as funny as clown noses, but they're still an important factor to consider in business!

To solve the formula T = C + S + H for H, the holding cost of the asset, we need to isolate H on one side of the equation.

1. Start with the formula: T = C + S + H
2. To isolate H, subtract both C and S from both sides of the equation:
T - C - S = C + S + H - C - S
This simplifies to:
T - C - S = H
3. Therefore, the formula for H, the holding cost of the asset, is:
H = T - C - S

That's it! You've solved the formula for H. You can now use this formula to calculate the holding cost when you have the values of Total cost (T), Cost (C), and Shipping cost (S).