An appliance is on sale at a 30% discount. If the sale prices is $42,000, what was the original price of the appliance?

What kind of appliance are you buying for $42,000?

30/100 = x/42000

30*42000 = 1260000

1260000/100 = 12600

12600 + 42000 = $54,600

To find the original price of the appliance, you can use the following formula:

Original Price = Sale Price / (1 - Discount)

In this case, the sale price is given as $42,000, and the discount is 30%.

Step 1: Convert the discount percentage into a decimal by dividing it by 100.
Discount = 30 / 100 = 0.30

Step 2: Subtract the discount from 1 to get the net price multiplier.
Net Price Multiplier = 1 - Discount = 1 - 0.30 = 0.70

Step 3: Divide the sale price by the net price multiplier to get the original price.
Original Price = Sale Price / Net Price Multiplier = $42,000 / 0.70 = $60,000

Therefore, the original price of the appliance was $60,000.