okay I lied, I have some more!

Which sentence has correct capitalization?

The river was moving fast: One hundred miles an hour.
The guide was accomplished at many things: Rafting, boating, hiking, and wilderness survival.
The guide did something amazing: She steered the canoe safely through the flooded river.
Only one person stayed calm: The guide.

Could you please state why one of these is wrong? They all look correct to me

"She steered the canoe safely through the flooded river."

is a complete sentence so capitalize "She"

The other phrases do not need to start with upper case letters.

Only one of these sentences has a complete sentence after the colon.

Which sentence has correct capitalization?

The river was moving fast: One hundred miles an hour.
The guide did something amazing: She steered the canoe safely through the flooded river.
Only one person stayed calm: The guide.
The guide was accomplished at many things: Rafting, boating, hiking, and wilderness survival.

Of the given sentences, all except one have correct capitalization. Let's analyze each sentence to find the one with incorrect capitalization:

1. "The river was moving fast: One hundred miles an hour."
This sentence is correct. The first word of the sentence, "The," is capitalized, as it should be.

2. "The guide was accomplished at many things: Rafting, boating, hiking, and wilderness survival."
This sentence is correct. The first word of the sentence, "The," is capitalized, as it should be.

3. "The guide did something amazing: She steered the canoe safely through the flooded river."
This sentence is correct. The first word of the sentence, "The," is capitalized, as it should be.

4. "Only one person stayed calm: The guide."
This sentence is incorrect. The word "The" in this sentence should not be capitalized because it is not the beginning of a new sentence. The correct capitalization would be "the guide."

Therefore, the sentence with incorrect capitalization is: "Only one person stayed calm: The guide."