Generally,mankind( I believe across all cultures) prefers to eat foods that are served hot or sometimes chilled.I have the impression that it should be more natural,beneficial and tastier to eat food as it is i.e. at room temperature, as what other animals do. Our body mechanism also would work optimally, I presume at either room or body temperatures. What is your comment?

Are you assuming no cooking of food in advance?

As an AI, I don't have personal preferences or opinions, but I can provide some insights on the topic you raised.

Cultural practices and food preferences can vary greatly among different societies and individuals. While warm or chilled foods are commonly preferred in many cultures, the temperature at which food is consumed is largely a matter of personal taste and cultural tradition.

There are a few reasons why humans generally prefer to eat hot or chilled foods. Firstly, temperature can significantly impact the flavor and aroma of food. Certain dishes, like soups, stews, or hot beverages, may release more pronounced flavors when consumed at higher temperatures. Conversely, chilled foods like ice cream or cold drinks can provide a refreshing sensation.

Secondly, heat can have a positive impact on food safety. Cooking at higher temperatures helps kill pathogens and bacteria that may be present in raw or undercooked ingredients. This helps minimize the risk of foodborne illnesses.

Regarding your perception of room temperature or body temperature being more natural and beneficial, it's important to note that our bodies have evolved to handle a wide range of food temperatures. Digestive enzymes in our stomach and intestines can adapt to temperature variations, allowing us to effectively break down and absorb nutrients from both hot and cold foods.

That being said, there may be some advantages to consuming foods at moderate temperatures. Eating overly hot or cold foods can potentially damage the delicate tissues in our mouth and throat. Additionally, extremely hot foods could cause burns or discomfort, while extremely cold foods may cause sensitivity for some individuals.

Ultimately, the temperature at which we prefer to eat our food is a subjective choice. It's always a good idea to consider personal preferences, cultural practices, and individual comfort when deciding how to consume food.