a restaurant charges a reservation fee of $15 for its party room, plus $21.50 per person. If the bill was $445, how many people were at the party? HELP PLEASE! IS THE ANSWER 30?

445 - 15 = 430

430 / 21.5 = ?

This is how I would intuitively do this one: 445-15=430 430/21.50=20

There were twenty people at the party. The 15 is there even if nobody came to the party, so you have to include that.

Thanks everyone


To find out how many people were at the party, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Subtract the reservation fee from the total bill amount to find the cost of the food and drinks.
Bill amount - Reservation fee = Cost of food and drinks
$445 - $15 = $430

Step 2: Divide the remaining amount by the cost per person to determine the number of people.
Cost of food and drinks / Cost per person = Number of people
$430 / $21.50 = 20

Therefore, based on these calculations, there were 20 people at the party, not 30.