How would you perimeter of a room that is 4 1/3 yard by 5 2/3, can you explain that to me by showing how you did it.

P = 2L + 2W

P = 2(4 1/3) + 2(5 2/3)

P = ?

How can you indicate by using fraction of how many of the square in the image are shaded. is it 3/5 3/6 3/4 4/5, in there are three boxes with blue color and two are not. Can somebody help me with that.

To find the perimeter of a room, you need to add up the lengths of all its sides. In this case, the room is 4 1/3 yards by 5 2/3 yards. Here's how you can find the perimeter:

1. Convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions.
- 4 1/3 yards can be written as (4 × 3 + 1)/3 = 13/3 yards.
- 5 2/3 yards can be written as (5 × 3 + 2)/3 = 17/3 yards.

2. Add up the lengths of all four sides.
- Two opposite sides are each 13/3 yards long.
- The other two opposite sides are each 17/3 yards long.

3. Add the lengths together.
- (13/3 + 13/3 + 17/3 + 17/3) yards
- Combine the numerators: (13 + 13 + 17 + 17)/3 yards
- Add the numerators: 60/3 yards
- Simplify the fraction: 20 yards

Therefore, the perimeter of the room is 20 yards.