1. Choose the correct singular, third person, conjugation of the verb to be in the future perfect tense.

A. You have been
B. I will be
C. She will have been
D. They will have been


First person = I or we

Second person = you
Third person = he, she, it, or any singular noun

Try again.


Also, plain ol' ordinary future tense has "will" as a helping verb, but future perfect has "will have" as helping verbs ... every time!

Thank you. There is one more question I need help with.

1. A noun that completes an action is called a/an
A. subject.
B. object.
C. predicate.
D. complement.

A or C?

Neither A nor C is correct!!

What noun comes after an ACTION VERB??

B. object?

Right ... a direct object.

Sometimes direct objects are also called "verb complements," but most of the time, the term "complement" is meant for other constructions:

To determine the correct singular, third person conjugation of the verb "to be" in the future perfect tense, let's break down the options and identify the correct form:

A. "You have been" – This is in the present perfect tense, not the future perfect tense.
B. "I will be" – This is the correct answer. It is in the future tense ("will") and uses the base form of the verb "to be."
C. "She will have been" – This is actually in the future perfect tense, but it is in the third person singular form.
D. "They will have been" – This is in the future perfect tense, but it is in the third person plural form.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. "I will be" is the correct singular, third person conjugation of the verb "to be" in the future perfect tense.