Need help with an introduction and thesis to start my paper.

"The aspect of the life and work of Dr. King thorough knowledge of his legacy."

Your thesis statement must include factual information plus your position/opinion/stance. Without your position on the topic, it isn't a true thesis statement.

So think of this sentence as the angle you want to take on the topic and what you intend to prove by the end of your paper. (If your statement is simply factual, then there's nothing to prove!)
This is one of the very best places I've seen online to help students write good thesis statements. It shows you sentences that aren't thesis statements and how to turn each one into real thesis statements.

What specifically do you want to say?

What is your thesis statement?

To begin your introduction and thesis statement, it is important to provide some context and background information about Dr. King's life and work. This will help your readers understand the significance of his legacy and why it is important to study and acknowledge.

1. Start by briefly discussing the life of Dr. King: Begin with a concise overview of the major milestones in his life, such as his role in the Civil Rights Movement, his leadership in nonviolent protests, and his impact on society.

2. Highlight the key aspects of Dr. King's work: Discuss his powerful speeches, his advocacy for racial equality, and his efforts to combat social injustice and discrimination. You can also mention his nonviolent philosophy and his approach to peaceful resistance.

3. Transition to the significance of studying his legacy: Explain why it is essential to thoroughly understand Dr. King's legacy. Mention how his ideas and actions continue to impact the struggle for equality, both in the United States and around the world. This could include touching on the ongoing fight against racism, the importance of civil rights, and the significant advancements made since Dr. King's time.

Based on these points, you can come up with a thesis statement that encapsulates the focus of your paper. Here's an example:

"Through a comprehensive examination of the life and work of Dr. King, this paper aims to explore the enduring significance of his legacy, delving into his influential role in the Civil Rights Movement, his powerful speeches that ignited social change, and the ongoing relevance of his message in our pursuit of equality."

Remember, your thesis statement should give your readers a clear sense of what to expect in your paper and provide a strong central argument that you will elaborate on.