In 1987 a recording artist sold 14,000 albums. In 1998 that same artist sold 4,683 albums. Find the rate of change in record sales from 1987 to 1998.


A college student is looking at her monthly checking account records. On September 1, 2008, her checking account held a balance of $1,050. At the end of March 2009, her checking account held a balance of $800. What is the monthly rate of change for the student’s checking account over the period September 1, 2008 through March 31, 2009?

change in record sales = 4683 - 14000 = -9317

change in time = 11 years

rate of change = -9317/12 = -776 records/year

I included the years 1987 and 1998 .

To find the rate of change in record sales from 1987 to 1998, we need to calculate the difference in sales and divide it by the number of years.

First, subtract the number of albums sold in 1987 from the number sold in 1998:

14,000 - 4,683 = 9,317

Next, find the difference in years:

1998 - 1987 = 11 years

Finally, divide the difference in sales by the number of years:

9,317 / 11 = 847 albums per year

Therefore, the rate of change in record sales from 1987 to 1998 is 847 albums per year.


How much has the value of y changed between the points (–8, 4) and (8, –4)?