How many chromosomes are in a human blood cell?

What term describes a picture of the human chromosomes arranged in pairs?

The same as in any other body cell, 46.

To find out how many chromosomes are in a human blood cell, we need to understand the basics of human chromosome structure and count.

Human beings have 46 chromosomes in most of their cells. These chromosomes are present in pairs, where each pair consists of one chromosome inherited from the mother and one from the father. So, we can say that humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes.

Now, when it comes to a human blood cell, it is a type of white blood cell called a "leukocyte." Like all other cells in the human body, leukocytes also have 46 chromosomes or 23 pairs, which contain the genetic material necessary for proper functioning.

Moving on to the second part of the question, a picture of human chromosomes arranged in pairs is commonly referred to as a "karyotype." Karyotyping is a technique used to analyze the chromosomes' number, size, and shape and is often employed in prenatal testing, genetic disorders diagnosis, and fertility evaluation. By examining a karyotype, medical professionals can identify any abnormalities or irregularities in the chromosomes' structure or number.