Carolyn and Kim are selling lemonade this summer.

It costs 10 cents to make each cup of lemonade.

They are going to sell each cup of lemonade for 25 cents.

What is the least number of cups of lemonade they need to sell in order to collect $10.00 more than they spend?

PS: If they make 55 cups of lemonade, it will cost them $5.50.

profit = 25x - 10x, where x is the number they sell

= 15x

They want to make a profit of 1000
15x = 1000
x = 1000/15 = 66 2/3

So they must sell 67 cups

for 67 cups:
revenue = 25(67) = 1675
expenses = 10(67) = 670
profit = 1675 - 670= 1005 cents or $10.05
for 66 cups
profit = 25(66) - 10(66) = $ 9.90 , which is not enough profit

so 67 cups is the minimum they must sell


I need help with this question


To find out the least number of cups of lemonade Carolyn and Kim need to sell in order to collect $10.00 more than they spend, we can follow these steps:

1. Calculate the total cost of making 55 cups of lemonade:
- Each cup costs 10 cents to make.
- So, for 55 cups, the total cost is 55 * $0.10 = $5.50.

2. Determine how much they need to collect to have $10.00 more than they spend:
- They want to collect $10.00 more than the $5.50 they spent.
- $5.50 + $10.00 = $15.50.

3. Calculate how many cups they need to sell to collect $15.50:
- They sell each cup for 25 cents.
- To collect $15.50, the number of cups they need to sell is $15.50 / $0.25 = 62 cups.

Therefore, Carolyn and Kim need to sell at least 62 cups of lemonade in order to collect $10.00 more than they spend.