
4-8=-4 x=4 y=-4

8-8=0 x=8 y=0

0-8=-8 x=0 y=-8

6-8=-2 x=6 y=-2

-1-8=-9 x=-1 y=-9


Thank you.

It seems like you have been given different equations in the form of "x-8=y" and you have to find the values of x and y that satisfy each equation. Here's how you can solve these equations:

1) In the first equation, you are given x-8=y. To find the values of x and y, you need to substitute the given equation into the equation itself and solve for x and y. So, substituting x=4 and y=-4 in the equation x-8=y, we get:

4-8=-4, which is true. Therefore, the values of x=4 and y=-4 satisfy the equation.

2) In the second equation, you are given 4-8=-4. Here, you are already given the values of x=4 and y=-4. So, you can check whether these values satisfy the equation. Substituting x=4 and y=-4 in the equation 4-8=-4, we get:

4-8=-4, which is true. Therefore, the values of x=4 and y=-4 satisfy the equation.

3) In the third equation, you are given 0-8=-8. Similarly, you need to substitute x=0 and y=-8 in the equation x-8=y and check whether it holds true. Substituting x=0 and y=-8 in the equation 0-8=-8, we get:

0-8=-8, which is true. Therefore, the values of x=0 and y=-8 satisfy the equation.

4) In the fourth equation, you are given 6-8=-2. Again, you can substitute x=6 and y=-2 in the equation x-8=y and check for its validity. Substituting x=6 and y=-2 in the equation 6-8=-2, we get:

6-8=-2, which is true. Therefore, the values of x=6 and y=-2 satisfy the equation.

5) In the fifth equation, you are given -1-8=-9. Similarly, substitute x=-1 and y=-9 in the equation x-8=y and check if it holds true. Substituting x=-1 and y=-9 in the equation -1-8=-9, we get:

-1-8=-9, which is true. Therefore, the values of x=-1 and y=-9 satisfy the equation.

So, in summary, for each equation x-8=y:
1) x=4 and y=-4 satisfies the equation.
2) x=4 and y=-4 satisfies the equation.
3) x=0 and y=-8 satisfies the equation.
4) x=6 and y=-2 satisfies the equation.
5) x=-1 and y=-9 satisfies the equation.