Rich’s weekly salary is based on the number of pairs of shoes he sells. He is paid a base salary of $25, plus $5 for every pair of shoes he sells. The relationship between his pay (p) and pairs of shoes (s) sold can be represented by the linear equation . Determine Rich’s pay for a week in which he sold 7 pairs of shoes

Pay=Base+ s*5

Rich’s weekly salary is based on the number of pairs of shoes he sells. He is paid a base salary of $25, plus $5 for every pair of shoes he sells. The relationship between his pay (p) and pairs of shoes (s) sold can be represented by the linear equation 4072-01-02-03-00_files/i0140000.jpg. Determine Rich’s pay for a week in which he sold 7 pairs of shoes.




To determine Rich's pay for a week in which he sold 7 pairs of shoes, we need to use the given information about the linear equation that represents the relationship between his pay and the number of pairs of shoes sold.

The linear equation is given as: p = 25 + 5s

Here, p represents Rich's pay and s represents the number of pairs of shoes sold.

To find Rich's pay for a week in which he sold 7 pairs of shoes, we substitute s = 7 into the equation:

p = 25 + 5(7)
p = 25 + 35
p = 60

Therefore, Rich's pay for a week in which he sold 7 pairs of shoes is $60.