A car rental is $65 per day plus $0.45 per mile travelled. Determine the equation of the line that represents the daily cost by the number of miles traveled. If a total of 450 miles was travelled in one day, how much is the rental company going to receive as a payment?


65 + .45(miles) = daily cost

y = 65 + .45x

daily cost = 65 + .45(450)

To determine the equation of the line that represents the daily cost by the number of miles traveled, we can use the formula for a linear equation, which is y = mx + b.

In this case, the daily cost is represented by y, and the number of miles traveled is represented by x.

The car rental is $65 per day, which can be represented by the y-intercept (b) in the equation, since there is no charge for the miles traveled. So, b = 65.

The additional cost per mile traveled is $0.45, which can be represented by the slope (m) in the equation. So, m = $0.45.

Therefore, the equation that represents the daily cost by the number of miles traveled is:
y = 0.45x + 65.

To calculate how much the rental company is going to receive as a payment when a total of 450 miles is traveled in one day, we can substitute x = 450 into the equation and solve for y.

Payment = 0.45 * 450 + 65
Payment = $202.50 + $65
Payment = $267.50

Therefore, the rental company is going to receive a payment of $267.50 when a total of 450 miles is traveled in one day.