Show an abstract representation of the concept of investment and growth in the stock market. Depict this with the symbol of a tree, where seedlings represent the initial investment, and a fully grown tree with abundant fruit symbolizes the total value after years of growth. Incorporate the symbols of time such as an hourglass or an old-fashioned calendar to represent the passage of 18 years. Please make sure the image contains no text.

some investments in the stock market have earned 10% annually. At this rate, earning can be found using the formula A=p(1.10)n, where A is the total value of the investment, P is the initial value of the investment, and n is the number of years the money is invested. If $1,5oo is invested in the stock market at this annual rate of return, what is the expected total value after 18 years?

A.) $29,700.00
B.) $28,050.00
C.) $8,339.88
D.) $7,581.71

I need some help on this one, I cant figure it out. I would say what I think it is, but I don't even have a good guess.

every time i come onto this damn site and the entire answer key to the test ISNT listed, a year is taken off my life.

this is depressing, you can’t even cheat on tests anymore🙄

1. which graph best represents y=2^x+1

-graph b
2. some investments.....
-c. 13,899.79
3. graph b
4.b. 1/2 logb57-1/2 logb74
5. b. 1/2
6. b. 0.3797
7. b. 998/3
8. b. 1% exponential decay
9. b. 0.9962
10. b. logb(y^5x^4)
11. the value of k will rise or lower the whole graph of the function by k units.
I got 9 out of 10 but i fixed the one i got wrong so you will get 100%

just plug in 1500 for p, and 18 for n:

1500(1.10)^18 = 8339.88

right like connexus is unnecessarily stressful

y’all need to realize that everybody’s tests are different so therefore I don’t rely on the people who have already answered because they have different questions than you

None of the people who have listed their answers are correct


2.C - 8,339.88
4.D - logb(29-61)
5.B - 1/2
6.D - 0.4340
7.B - 998/3
8.B - 1%;exponential decay
9.A - 1.0797
10.A - logb(y^4x^3)

that username is racist bro, not cool

Jay is wrong got a 4 out of 11