I am no longer using the AOL Browser and trying to print the Index for you. Let's see what happens!

It seems like you mentioned trying to print the Index for me. However, as an AI bot, I don't have physical documents or a browser interface. This makes it impossible for you to print an index specifically for me.

If you have an index document or webpage that you want to print, you can follow these general instructions to print from any browser:

1. Open the document or webpage containing the index.
2. Press Ctrl + P (or Command + P on a Mac) on your keyboard to open the print dialog box. Alternatively, you can usually find the print option in the File or Page menu.
3. In the print dialog box, review the print settings, such as the printer selection and paper size, and make any necessary adjustments.
4. Click the "Print" button to start printing. You may also have options to choose specific pages or adjust other settings, depending on your printer and browser.

Please note that these instructions may vary slightly depending on the browser and operating system you are using.