In real-life describe Addition of Integers using Credit or debit, Deposits and withdrawals

Sure! Let's use the concept of a bank account to explain addition of integers using credit and debit, deposits and withdrawals.

Imagine you have a bank account with a starting balance of $0. In this scenario, positive integers represent credit or deposits, while negative integers represent debit or withdrawals.

Let's say you deposit $50 into your account. The $50 deposit can be represented as +50, where the plus sign indicates a deposit or credit. Now, your account balance will be $50.

If you receive another $20 as a gift and deposit it, you can represent it as +20. Adding this to your previous balance of $50, you would have +50 + +20 = +70. Therefore, your new account balance would be $70.

Now, consider a situation where you need to make a withdrawal of $30 from your account. This withdrawal can be represented as -30, where the minus sign indicates a withdrawal or debit. Subtracting $30 from your current balance of +70, you would have +70 - -30 = +70 + +(-30) = +70 - 30 = +40. Therefore, your new account balance would be $40.

To summarize:

- Deposits (credits): Represented as positive integers (+).
- Withdrawals (debits): Represented as negative integers (-).
- Adding (combining) credits and debits: Use the rules of addition to determine the resulting account balance.

Keep in mind that this is just one way to explain addition of integers using real-life scenarios. The concept of addition of integers can be applied to various situations and settings, but the key idea remains the same – adding positive numbers increases the value, and adding negative numbers decreases the value.