the fact that copper and gray northern flint was found at the poverty point suggests that poverty point inhabitants

a) used materials they mined from earthworks
b) traded for goods from faraway places
c) had the first indoor plumbing
d) experienced a change in religious beliefs

I'll glad to check your answer.

To determine which answer is correct, we need to analyze the fact that copper and gray northern flint were found at Poverty Point.

Copper and flint are materials that are not naturally found at the Poverty Point archaeological site. Therefore, it suggests that the inhabitants of Poverty Point either used materials they mined from earthworks or traded for goods from faraway places.

Now let's consider the options:

a) Used materials they mined from earthworks: This option could be possible if the inhabitants of Poverty Point had access to copper and gray northern flint within or near their settlements.

b) Traded for goods from faraway places: This option is also plausible since copper and gray northern flint are not naturally found in the local environment. Trading would have been a possible way to acquire these materials from distant regions.

c) Had the first indoor plumbing: The presence of copper and gray northern flint does not provide evidence for indoor plumbing. Plumbing systems typically require materials such as pipes and valves made of different materials, and these are not specifically indicated by the presence of copper and flint.

d) Experienced a change in religious beliefs: The presence of copper and gray northern flint does not directly suggest a change in religious beliefs. Beliefs and religious practices are more often identified through the study of artifacts, structures, and other forms of archaeological evidence associated with rituals or worship.

Based on the above analysis, the most likely answer is:

b) Traded for goods from faraway places: The fact that copper and gray northern flint, not occurring naturally at Poverty Point, were found suggests that the inhabitants likely traded for these materials from distant regions.