there were some ducks in the pond.28 ducks flew away.7 more arrived at the there are 43 ducks in the many ducks were in the pond to start

BRUH how is that HELPING!!!!!!

To find out how many ducks were in the pond to start, we can follow a simple process:

1. Begin with the current number of ducks in the pond, which is 43.
2. Subtract the number of ducks that arrived at the pond from the current count. In this case, 7 ducks arrived, so subtract 7 from 43: 43 - 7 = 36.
3. Now, we have the count before the arrival of the 7 ducks.
4. Since 28 ducks flew away, subtract this number from the count before the arrival: 36 - 28 = 8.

Therefore, there were 8 ducks in the pond to start with.


let there be x ducks at the start

x - 28 + 7 = 43
x = 43 - 7 + 28 = 64