Seven friends have similar phone plans. The price of each plan is $x. Three of the seven friends pay an extra $4 per month for unlimited text messaging. Write and simplify an expression that represents the total of cost of the seven plans.

4x + 3(x+4) = 7x+12

It's actually 19x trust me.. Plus, the answer is at the top with what "Steve" said.

To find the total cost of the seven plans, we need to determine the cost of each individual plan and then add them together.

Let's break down the cost of each plan:
- Four of the seven friends don't pay an extra $4 for unlimited text messaging, so their individual plan cost is simply $x.
- However, three of the seven friends do pay an extra $4 for unlimited text messaging, so their individual plan cost is $x + $4.

Now, let's calculate the total cost of the seven plans:
- For the four friends who don't pay extra, their total cost would be 4 * $x = 4x.
- For the three friends who do pay extra, their total cost would be 3 * ($x + $4) = 3x + 12.

To get the total cost of the seven plans, we add these two expressions together:
Total cost = 4x + 3x + 12.

Now, let's simplify the expression:
Combining like terms, we get 7x + 12.

Therefore, the expression that represents the total cost of the seven plans is 7x + 12.

Seven friends have similar cell phone plans. The price of each plan is $x. Three of the seven friends pay an extra $4 per month for unlimited text messaging.Write and simplify an expression that represents the total cost of the seven plans

It is 2 bc it is 2