Fill in the blamks with the appropriate pronoun and conjugated reflexive verb.

1.)Tu_____ ______ el pelo (peinarse)
Bank 1=
Blank 2=

2.)Raul y Sarita no___ ___ afeitarse)
Blank 1=
Blank 2=

3.)No prefiero_____el pelo.(lavarse)
Blank 1=

4.)Elena____ ____a las 10:00(acostarse)
Blank 1=
Blank 2=

5.)Juan y yo ____ ___a las 8:00.(despertarse)
Blank 1=
Blank 2=

1.) Tu te peinas el pelo.

The appropriate pronoun is "te" for the subject "tu" (you) and the appropriate form of the reflexive verb "peinarse" (to comb oneself) is "peinas".

2.) Raul y Sarita no se afeitan.
The appropriate pronoun is "se" for the subject "Raul y Sarita" and the appropriate form of the reflexive verb "afeitarse" (to shave oneself) is "afeitan".

3.) No prefiero lavarme el pelo.
The appropriate pronoun is "me" for the subject "yo" (I) and the appropriate form of the reflexive verb "lavarse" (to wash oneself) is "lavarme".

4.) Elena se acuesta a las 10:00.
The appropriate pronoun is "se" for the subject "Elena" and the appropriate form of the reflexive verb "acostarse" (to go to bed) is "acuesta".

5.) Juan y yo nos despertamos a las 8:00.
The appropriate pronoun is "nos" for the subject "Juan y yo" and the appropriate form of the reflexive verb "despertarse" (to wake up) is "despertamos".

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