can anyone help me i have been googling everywhere and can't find what i need

websites for poems by established authors

... wanted.

I am sure you can find anything you need in one of these.
(Broken Link Removed)

Of course, I'd be happy to help! When looking for websites that feature poems by established authors, there are a few approaches you can take:

1. Poetry Foundation: One of the most reputable sources for poetry, the Poetry Foundation website ( offers a wide range of poems by established as well as emerging authors. Their online archive contains a vast collection of poems that you can explore.

2. Academy of American Poets: The Academy of American Poets website ( is another excellent resource. They feature a comprehensive collection of poems from renowned poets, including both classic and contemporary works.

3. Poem Hunter: Poem Hunter ( is an online platform that allows users to explore a vast database of poems by various authors, ranging from widely recognized names to up-and-coming writers. You can search for specific poems and authors on this site.

4. Library of Congress: The Library of Congress website ( is also a valuable resource. They feature a vast collection of poems by established authors, including former U.S. Poet Laureates. You can browse their archives to find poems that pique your interest.

Remember, searching specific poem titles or author names on search engines like Google can lead you to various websites and platforms where you can find their works as well.

I hope these suggestions help you in finding the poems by established authors you're looking for!