Identify the property illustrated by the statement

A) associative property of addition
B) associative property of multiplication
C) distributive property
D) commutative property of multiplication



The property illustrated by the statement -2(5+9)=-2•5+(-2)•9 is the distributive property.

To identify the property illustrated by the statement -2(5+9)=-2•5+(-2)•9, we need to analyze the mathematical operations used in the statement.

The distributive property states that for any three numbers a, b, and c:

a • (b + c) = a • b + a • c

In the given statement, we have:


We can apply the distributive property by multiplying -2 with both 5 and 9 individually:

= -2•5 + (-2)•9

Thus, the property illustrated by the statement is the distributive property (C).