6a. I lay my book on the table, but now I cannot find it.

6b. I laid my book on the table, but now I cannot find it.
I chose B. could you please explain?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help forum. "I cnnot find it NOW" implies that you had already put the book on the table = past tense. Yes, it is B.

The parts of the verb to lie (meaning to recline) are:

lie, lay (past), have lain (past participle

The parts of the verb to lay (meaning to place or put) are:

lay, laid (past), have laid (past participle)

As Sra said, B is the correct answer.

Sure! The correct sentence is actually "6a. I laid my book on the table, but now I cannot find it." Let me explain why:

The verbs "lay" and "laid" are commonly confused because their past tenses are different. "Lay" is the present tense form, while "laid" is the past tense form.

In your sentence, you are talking about an action that has already happened in the past - you laid your book on the table. Therefore, you need to use the past tense form of the verb "lay," which is "laid." So, it should be "I laid my book on the table."

"I laid" is the correct past tense form of "lay." "I lay" would be the present tense.

To remember the difference between "lay" and "laid," you can think of this phrase:

"I lay the book on the table." (present tense)

"I laid the book on the table." (past tense)

Therefore, the correct sentence is 6b. "I laid my book on the table, but now I cannot find it."