Help me unscrable these letters to make a word.... C,U,P,A,N

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. The word is "uncap."

To unscramble the letters C, U, P, A, and N, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by identifying all the possible combinations of the given letters: C, U, P, A, and N.

2. Combining these letters, we get some possible combinations: "CUPAN," "CUNAP," "CAPUN," "CAUPN," "CANUP," "PACUN," "PAUCN," "PANUC," "PANCU," "PCUNA," "PCANU," "PUACN," "PUNCA," "APCUN," "APUCN," "APNUC," "APNCU," "AUCPN," "AUNPC," "ANCUP," "ANCPU," "ANUPC," "ANPCU," "UCPAN," "UCNAP," "UCAPN," "UCNPA," "UPCAN," "UPACN," "UPNCA," "UPNAC," "UNCAP," "UNPCA," "UNACP," "UNAPC," "NPCUA," "NPUCA," "NPAUC," "NPACU," "NUCAP," "NUCPA," "NUACP," "NUAPC," "NCUPA," "NCUAP," "NCPUA," "NCPUA," "NACUP," "NACPU."

3. To determine which of these combinations forms an actual word, you can use a dictionary or an online word unscrambler tool.

After reviewing the possible combinations in a dictionary or with a word unscrambler tool, you'll find that the word you can create from these letters is "PAN."