Cassandra is two thirds as old as Jeremy. Three years ago she was half as old as Jeremy. How old are Cassandra and Jeremy?

I got this question wrong and was wondering what I did wrong. This is what I did.

Now 3 years ago
Cassandra| C | C-3
Jeremy | J | J-3

(C-3=1/2J-3/2) x 2
3 x (4/3J -6=J-3)
+18 +18
-J -J
3J=9 Divide everything by 3
Jeremy is 3 years old
Cassandra is 2 years old

Oh I think I know what I did wrong now

j three fourth as old as m in 20 years j will be seven eight as old as m how old is each now

Your approach to solving the problem is mostly correct, but there is a small mistake in your calculation. Let's go through the problem and the correct calculation step by step.

Cassandra is two-thirds as old as Jeremy.
Three years ago, Cassandra was half as old as Jeremy.

Let's start by assigning variables to their ages:
Let J represent Jeremy's current age.
Let C represent Cassandra's current age.

From the given information, we can write two equations:

1) Cassandra is two-thirds as old as Jeremy:
C = (2/3)J

2) Three years ago, Cassandra was half as old as Jeremy:
C - 3 = (1/2)(J - 3)

Now let's solve these equations:

Equation 1:
C = (2/3)J

Equation 2:
C - 3 = (1/2)(J - 3)
Expanding the right side:
C - 3 = (1/2)J - 3/2

Multiply both sides of Equation 2 by 2 to eliminate the fraction:
2(C - 3) = J - 3
2C - 6 = J - 3
2C = J + 3

Now we have a system of equations:
C = (2/3)J
2C = J + 3

We can solve this system by substitution or elimination.

Using substitution method:
Substitute the value of C from the first equation into the second equation:
2((2/3)J) = J + 3
(4/3)J = J + 3

Multiply both sides by 3 to eliminate the fraction:
4J = 3J + 9

Subtract 3J from both sides:
4J - 3J = 9
J = 9

Now we know Jeremy's age is 9.

Substitute this value back into the first equation to find Cassandra's age:
C = (2/3)J
C = (2/3)(9)
C = 6

So Jeremy is 9 years old and Cassandra is 6 years old.

In your calculation, you made a small mistake when simplifying 2(2/3J) - 6. The correct simplification is 4/3J - 6, not 4J - 6. This mistake led to the incorrect equation 4J - 18 = J - 9.