Enjoy, How did you find the answer to question on the yoyo I got it wrong, and question number 2 on torque. Thanks.

you mean a= F*R(1-(r/R))/((I/R)+(m*R))

this is wrong?? check your figures and then plz reply man!

yes i got it wrong too

Hi enjoy, I got the acceleration correct, but the x component of the friction force incorrect in part b.

Question no. 2 on torque is confusing from the top view CW or CCW. Thanks.

IS this expression correct

a= F*R(1-(r/R))/((I/R)+(m*R)) ??
if it is then friction f
f = force-(m*a).
reply fast

Hi, Enjoy. I responded but I do not know what happened. f=force - (m*a) , 22-(2)*(12.83 3)=

-3.666. x-componet in negative x direction. I am
up to my last chance as on most problems. I need help on question no.1. Thanks.

input the magnitude for f,forget the negative sign

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