What body of water touched Latin,Eastern Orthodox and pagan lands?


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The body of water that touches Latin, Eastern Orthodox, and pagan lands is the Mediterranean Sea. To find this answer, you can use various methods:

1. General knowledge: If you are familiar with the geography of the world and the major religions, you might already know that the Mediterranean Sea touches many different regions and cultures.

2. Maps or globes: By looking at a map or globe, you can easily identify the Mediterranean Sea and see which countries and regions it borders. This method provides a visual reference and helps you understand the relationship between the sea and the mentioned lands.

3. Online search: Using search engines like Google, you can simply type in the question and find the answer in seconds. Search results will likely provide information about the Mediterranean Sea's geographical location and the surrounding regions.

Remember, these methods can be applied to many similar questions where geographical knowledge is required.

Mediterranean sea?

I agree.