-the plan of Tutankhamun's tomb when Howard Carter found it-

When did Carter go into the different rooms? What do you think? Put them in order. Number them 1-4.

a. burial room ( )
b. treasure room ( )
c. small room ( )
d. long room ( )
Whill you give me the answers to the questions above? Thank you.

I don't think I've ever known the order in which Carter entered the different rooms.

What does your textbook say?

To determine the order in which Howard Carter entered the different rooms of Tutankhamun's tomb, we can refer to historical records and Carter's own accounts of the discovery. Based on the information available, we can make an educated guess about the sequence. However, please note that without clear historical evidence, this order can vary depending on different interpretations. Here is a suggested order:

1. Long Room
2. Small Room
3. Treasure Room
4. Burial Room

Please keep in mind that the exact order may differ.