If the burn is large or involves the face, feet, groin, or buttock, see a doctor. If not the burn should be treated as minor. See treatment for minor burns, below.

Which of the following questions might you ask yourself to monitor comprehension?

a. How serious is a burn that is visible?
b. How do I know if a burn is serious?
c. How do I know what type of treatment to get for a burn?
d. How do I know if I should go to a doctor?

B or D?

The question that best aligns with monitoring comprehension is:

d. How do I know if I should go to a doctor?

This question directly addresses the content of the passage, which states that if the burn is large or involves certain areas of the body, one should see a doctor. By asking this question, you are checking whether you understand the criteria for seeking medical attention for a burn.