1. "If thou be'st born to strange sights, 10 Things invisible to see, Ride ten thousand days and nights Till Age snow white hairs on thee; Thou, when thou return'st, wilt tell me All strange wonders that befell thee, 15 And swear No where Lives a woman true and fair. " is an example of

A. hyperbole
B. metaphor
C. conceit
D. paradox
I said A, but I think it could also be C

2. What was the primary change in paradigm during the 18th century and the Restoration?
A. People started asking for rational instead of supernatural explanations.
B. People stopped believing in God.
C. The government recognized and encouraged religious tolerance.
D. People stopped viewing literature as functional and instead viewed it as an unnecessary luxury.
I said A.

3.When Jonathan Swift says that his proposal is "solid and real, of no expense and little trouble" he is using
A. Paradox
B. Imagery
C. parallelism
D. verbal irony
I said D.

4.Which of the following represents faulty logic?
a. Poor people get sick.
b. Children are expensive to raise.
c. The profit from selling children will improve the economy.
d. Eating children will decrease the population
I said C

5. Which of the following provides the best example of parallelism?
A. Their chief use is for delight
B. To spend too much time in studies is sloth, using them for ornament is affection
C. Crafty men despise studies; simple men admire them
D. Histories make men wise; poets are wise because they study wit
I stuck between C and D

6.Which of the following is the best example of an implicit argument?
a. Young men should be required to serve in the military for two years.
b. Women should not be allowed to serve in the military.
c. The military would benefit from having more young men serve.
d. Women are not suited for military service.
I said B.

1. The given excerpt, "If thou be'st born to strange sights..." is an example of C. conceit. A conceit is an extended metaphor or comparison between two seemingly unrelated things. In this case, the speaker compares the experience of witnessing "strange sights" to the process of aging and accumulating wisdom. The speaker suggests that after a long journey, the person will return with a wealth of knowledge and conclude that there is no true and fair woman anywhere.

To identify the correct answer, it is helpful to understand the definitions of the given literary terms. A hyperbole is an exaggeration, a metaphor is a comparison without using "like" or "as," and a paradox is a contradictory statement that might contain a deeper truth. While A could be a possible choice, it doesn't fully capture the complexity of the comparison used in the passage. C, conceit, is a more accurate description of the literary technique employed.

2. The primary change in paradigm during the 18th century and the Restoration was A. People started asking for rational instead of supernatural explanations. This period saw the rise of the Enlightenment, which emphasized reason, logic, and scientific inquiry. As a result, people began seeking naturalistic explanations for phenomena that were previously attributed to supernatural forces or religious beliefs. This shift marked a departure from the traditional reliance on faith and superstitious explanations.

To answer this question, it helps to have a general understanding of the historical context and intellectual developments of the 18th century and the Restoration period. Option A aligns with the philosophical and scientific advancements that characterized this era.

3. When Jonathan Swift says that his proposal is "solid and real, of no expense and little trouble," he is using D. verbal irony. Verbal irony is when words express something contrary to the intended meaning, often used to convey sarcasm or humor. In this case, Swift's proposal is far from solid, real, inexpensive, or trouble-free. He is being satirical and critiquing the societal problems by presenting a ludicrous solution.

To determine the correct choice, it is essential to understand the definition of each literary term and identify the intention behind Swift's statement. His proposal is not meant to be taken literally, but rather to expose the absurdity of the social and economic conditions of his time.

4. The faulty logic in the given options is C. "The profit from selling children will improve the economy." This statement presents a flawed argument based on unethical and immoral premises. It assumes that selling children, an act contrary to basic human rights, would benefit the economy. This claim lacks a logical foundation and fails to consider the ethical and humanitarian implications.

To identify faulty logic, it is necessary to analyze each statement critically and evaluate the coherence of the argument. Option C presents an illogical and morally objectionable position.

5. The provided example that best demonstrates parallelism is D. "Histories make men wise; poets are wise because they study wit." Parallelism is the repetition of grammatical structures or patterns to create balance and rhythm. In this case, the repetition of the structure "X makes men Y; Z are Y because they do W" creates a parallel structure in which histories and poets are compared as sources of wisdom.

To determine the correct answer, it is necessary to recognize the presence of parallel structure and identify the syntactical pattern in the given options. Option D exemplifies this by maintaining the same grammatical structure throughout.

6. The best example of an implicit argument is D. "Women are not suited for military service." An implicit argument is an argument that is not expressly stated but can be inferred from a particular statement or text. In this case, the statement implies that women are not capable or fit for military service without explicitly stating it.

To identify an implicit argument, it is necessary to examine the underlying assumptions and implications of a statement or text. Option D presents an implicit argument by conveying a judgment about women's suitability for military service without directly stating it.