1. If ΔRST symbol ΔNPQ, then RT line is congruent to _____. (1 point)

line NP
line NQ
line PQ
line QP
2. Given RST NPQ, RT = 7x – 5, NQ = 5x + 11, find the length of RT and of NQ. (1 point)
3. Which of the following statements is true about the triangles below?

kite (1 point)
triangleABC ≅ triangleABD by SSS
triangleABC ≅ triangleABD by ASA
triangleABC ≅ triangleABD by SAS
triangleABC ≅ triangleABD by AAA
4. ΔTIC is an isosceles triangle with vertex angle I. If the ∠I = 70º , then find the measure of ∠T. (1 point)
True or False
5. All equilateral triangles are acute. (1 point)
Short Answer

Your teacher will grade your responses for questions 7–15, to ensure that you receive proper credit for your answers.
6. What are the missing reasons in the two-column proof?

Given: MO bisects symbolPMN and OM bisects symbolPON
Prove: GEOMA S 4 1 Q8 1PMOcongruent GEOMA S 4 1 Q8 1NMO

Question 6 (6 points)

7. Supply the reasons missing from the proof shown below.

S Geom A_04_09_Q7_Proof (2 points)

8. What is the value of x ?

DEF (1 point)

9. Is symbolPQS symbol symbolRQS by HL? If so, name the legs that allow the use of HL.

question 9 (2 points)

10. Name a pair of triangles in the figure and state whether they are congruent by SSS, SAS, ASA, AAS, or HL.

Given: S Geom A_04_09_Q10_NP OM MN PO Question 10 (3 points)

11. Write a paragraph proof.

Given: BC symbol EC and AC symbol GEOMA S 4 3 Q8 3
Prove: segment BAsymbol linesegmentED

Question 11 (5 points)

12. Given symbolIFN symbol symbolSJP, name all the pairs of corresponding parts. (6 points)

13. Using the words from the word list, name all the parts of the isosceles triangle in the diagram below. Some words may be used more than once.

Question 13 (6 points)

14. What does CPCTC represent and when would you use it? (2 points)

Education is no longer a gift it is forced on us and the are consequences if you do not participate in it. I do not advise cheating but education now day is unconstitutional. We have the right to education not the mandatory education, it does not even sound right in a sentence. Education is no longer a gift its a chore. Take a good thing and make it bad that's the government in a nut shell.

Okay idk whats going on up there, but for the essay questions I think I can answer them (They haven't been checked tho...). If you do use them, be sure to change them up or rephrase em a little bit if possible. Thanks!

11. What are the missing reasons in the two-column proof?
Given: Ray MO bisects angle PMN and ray OM bisects angle PON
Prove: Triangle PMO is congruent to triangle NMO
1.Ray MO bisects angle PMN
2. Angle PMO is congruent to angle NMO
3. Segment MO is congruent to segment MO
4. Ray OM bisects angle PON
5. Angle POM is congruent to angle NOM
6. Triangle PMO is congruent to triangle NMO
1. Given
2. Definition of Angle Bisectors
3. Reflexive Property
4. Given
5. Definition of Angle Bisectors
6. Angle Side Angles (or ASA)

12. Supply the reasons missing from the proof shown below
Given: Segment AB is congruent to segment AC, angle BAD is congruent to angle CAD
Prove: Segment AD bisects segment BC
(Okay the last one was really tiring I'm not gonna state the statements and reasons ;-;)
4. Side Angle Side (or SAS)
5. Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent (or CPCTC) (Kinda Unsure about this one tho)

13. Is triangle PQS congruent to triangle RQS by HL? If so, name the legs that allow the use of HL
Yes it can be proven with the HL theorem using the legs SP, SR, and SQ

14. Name a pair of triangles in the figure and state whether they are congruent by SSS, SAS, ASA, AAS, or HL
Given: Line NP is congruent to line OM, line MN is congruent to line PO
Triangles NMP and OPM are congruent with Side Side Side (or SSS) because the given info states that, segment NP and segment OM, and segment MN and segment PO are congruent (giving us two sides). Segment MP is congruent to itself because of reflexive property, and that gives us our third congruent side.

15. Write a paragraph proof.
Given: Line BC is congruent to line EC and line AC is congruent to DC
Prove: Line BA is congruent to line ED
In the diagram, the given information is the segment BC and EC are congruent as well as segment AC and segment DC. Angle BCA and angle DCE are congruent because they are vertical angles. As a result, triangle BCA and triangle DCE are congruent with Side Angle Side (or SAS). In the end, we have found that segment BA is congruent to segment ED with the corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent (or CPCTC)

16. Use the words from the word list, name all the parts of the isosceles triangle in the diagram below. Some words may be used more than once
Word List:
Vertex Angle
Base Angle
A. Base Angle
B. Leg
C. Vertex
D. Leg
E. Base Angle
F. Base

17. What does CPCTC represent and when would you use it?
CPCTC is an acronym for corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent. CPCTC is commonly used at or near the end of a proof which asks the student to show that two angles or two sides are congruent. It means that once two triangles are proven to be congruent, then the three pairs of sides that correspond must be congruent and the three pairs of angles that correspond must be congruent. (Found this on brightstorm.com)

18. (Jesus Christ this one is LONG) It is the same distance from second base to fist base, and from second base to third base. The angle formed by first base, second base, and home plate has the same measure as the angle formed by third base, second base, and home plate. What can you conclude about the distance from first base to home plate, and from home plate to third base? Explain using your knowledge of congruent triangles.
(Home Plate is A, First Base is B, Second Base is C, Third Base is D)
1. Segment CB is congruent to segment CD
2. Angle BCA is congruent to angle DCA
3. Segment AC is congruent to segment AC
4. Triangle ACD is congruent to triangle ACB
5. Segment AD is congruent to segment AB
1. Given
2. Given
3. Reflexive Property
4. SAS

Wow this took a while ;-; Hope this helped tho! Or else I would have done all this for nothing XD

nothing but facts^^ School isn't even about learning any more, it's about passing.

finished the test btw, and Taco Bell got the following questions wrong:

3, 4, 8, 9 and 10. if you are taking the Unit 5 Lesson 10 test these are the correct answers.
1. If RST = NPQ, which of the following is true?
correct answer: D. <T = <Q

2. Given RST = NPW, m<R= -7x+9, m<N = -10x, find m<R and m<N.
correct answer is A. 30

3. which of the following statements is true about the triangles below?
Correct answer is B. ABC = ABD by ASA

4. TIC is an isosceles triangle with a vertex angle I, if the measure of <I =140, then find the measure of <T
correct answer is A. 20

5. true or false, All right triangles are isosceles.
correct answer is B. FALSE

if you are getting the same questions as me so far, here are the rest of the answers:

6. D
7. B
8. D
9. A
10. C
11-16 is too much to type for me, so you'll be on your own for that.

now I understand that people can have different questions from others, so please don't get mad at me if you had a different question then me and think I was giving you bad answers, only use my answer sheet IF NESSESARY. other than that, good luck to you guys, I wish you the best of luck to pass through this dumb school.

also why do they even have these type of websites if people like you wont help the people in need.

And it's not free if it was my household wouldn't be damn near 3,000 in the hole every month most of our money goes into school and guess what they continue to take more and more so how is that for your "free education"

Can I get the answers tho I gotta complete tomorrow’s work by tonight and I ain’t got the time to study lol

I'm really glad we're having philisopical conversations here on good ole Jiskha.com but does anyone have the answers to these or nah

yeah I won't remember a quarter of what I have learned through out my 15 years of life by the time I get in to college

thats so true, especially with homeschooling, you have to learn things you dont need in like like how messed up is that