Identify/name at least 1 biological science problem and prepare on how procedure on how to solve such problem then recommend solutions.

One biological science problem that can be explored is the impact of environmental pollutants on the health of aquatic organisms. To solve this problem, the following procedure can be followed:

1. Problem identification: Clearly define the research question, such as "What is the impact of environmental pollutants on the health of aquatic organisms?"

2. Background research: Gather information on the types of environmental pollutants that may be present in aquatic environments, their sources, and the potential effects on organisms. This can be done by reviewing scientific literature, reports, and existing studies.

3. Experimental design: Design experiments to investigate the effects of pollutants on aquatic organisms. Determine the appropriate organism(s) for study, the pollutant concentrations to be tested, and the duration of exposure. Ensure that control groups are included for comparison.

4. Data collection: Implement the experimental design by exposing the organisms to pollutant concentrations and collecting data on various parameters, such as growth rate, reproductive success, physiological changes, and mortality. Use suitable sampling techniques to ensure statistical validity.

5. Data analysis: Analyze the collected data using appropriate statistical methods to determine any significant differences between control and treatment groups. This could involve techniques such as t-tests, ANOVA, or regression analysis, depending on the nature of the data.

6. Interpretation of results: Evaluate the findings from the data analysis and interpret them in light of the research question. Identify any patterns or correlations between pollutant exposure and biological responses in the aquatic organisms.

7. Recommendations and solutions: Based on the results, recommend potential solutions to mitigate the negative impact of environmental pollutants on aquatic organisms. This could include proposing regulations for pollutant control, implementing wastewater treatment systems, or developing alternative methods for pollution reduction.

It is important to note that the above procedure provides a general framework, and the specific methods and techniques used may vary depending on the study's requirements and available resources. Additionally, it is crucial to follow ethical guidelines and consider the potential impacts of the research on the environment and organisms involved.