I need to think of an exciting title for a newspaper article about a mad-dog. Could you help by giving me some words that might grab a reader's attention?

Of course! To come up with an exciting title for a newspaper article about a mad-dog, there are a few strategies you can use to grab readers' attention. Here are some attention-grabbing words and phrases that you can consider incorporating into your title:

1. Enraged: Highlight the dog's intense anger or aggression.
2. Terrifying: Emphasize the fear factor to captivate readers.
3. Rampage: Suggest the chaos and destruction caused by the mad-dog.
4. Menace: Convey a sense of danger and imminent harm.
5. Unleashed: Implies the dog's unrestrained power and potential havoc.
6. Beware: Warn readers of the dog's threatening presence.
7. Disturbing: Highlight the unsettling nature of the mad-dog situation.
8. Frenzied: Convey a sense of chaos and uncontrollable behavior.
9. Bloodcurdling: Emphasize the chilling and horrifying aspect of the dog's actions.
10. Ravaging: Suggest severe damage or destruction caused by the mad-dog.

Remember, creating an exciting title involves capturing readers' attention, so consider using strong and descriptive language to pique their curiosity and interest.