What are a few excersizing you can do to strengthen the abdominal muscles

Which set of muscles would you use for lateral bending and rotation of the trunk?

For abs, sit-ups or crunches are considered the best.

Lateral bending involves the obliques.


To strengthen the abdominal muscles, sit-ups and crunches are considered effective exercises. Sit-ups involve lying on your back, bending your knees, and raising your upper body towards your knees, while crunches involve lying on your back with your knees bent and raising your upper body towards your knees, but with a shorter range of motion.

For lateral bending and rotation of the trunk, the muscles involved are the obliques. These muscles are located on the sides of your abdomen. To target the obliques, you can perform exercises such as side planks and Russian twists. Side planks involve lying on your side with your forearm resting on the ground and raising your hips off the ground, while Russian twists involve sitting on the floor with your knees bent and feet lifted off the ground, and rotating your torso from side to side.

Remember to always consult with a fitness professional or trainer before starting any new exercise routine to ensure proper form and technique.