Deshawn built a model train car. The length of the model train car is 6 in. The scale Deshawn used to build the model train car is 1:36. What is the actual length of the train car in FEET?

6 * 36 = ?


To find the actual length of the train car in feet, you'll need to use the scale factor given.

First, convert the length of the model train car from inches to feet. Since there are 12 inches in a foot, divide 6 inches by 12 to get:

6 inches / 12 = 0.5 feet

Now, multiply the converted length in feet by the scale factor. In this case, the scale factor is 1:36, which means that 1 unit on the model train car represents 36 units in real life. Since the length of the train car in inches is 6, divide it by 36 to get:

0.5 feet / 36 = 0.0139 feet

Therefore, the actual length of the train car in feet is approximately 0.0139 feet.