find the sale price. round to the nearest cent.

regular price: $57.63
percent of discount: 10%


0.9 * 57.63 = ?

To find the sale price, follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the discount amount.
Discount amount = Regular price * (Percent of discount / 100)
Discount amount = $57.63 * (10 / 100)
Discount amount = $5.763

Step 2: Calculate the sale price.
Sale price = Regular price - Discount amount
Sale price = $57.63 - $5.763
Sale price = $51.867 (rounded to the nearest cent)

Therefore, the sale price, rounded to the nearest cent, is $51.87.

To find the sale price, you need to use the formula:

Sale Price = Regular Price - (Regular Price × Percent of Discount)

Let's calculate it:

Regular Price = $57.63
Percent of Discount = 10%

Step 1: Calculate the discount amount:
Discount = Regular Price × Percent of Discount
Discount = $57.63 × 0.1
Discount = $5.763

Step 2: Calculate the sale price:
Sale Price = Regular Price - Discount
Sale Price = $57.63 - $5.763
Sale Price = $51.87

Therefore, the sale price (rounded to the nearest cent) is $51.87.