What are three medical technologies that rely on the physics of elementary particles?

Three medical technologies that rely on the physics of elementary particles are:

1. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scans: PET scans require the use of positron-emitting radionuclides, such as fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG). These radionuclides undergo radioactive decay and emit positrons, which are elementary particles with the same mass as electrons but opposite charge. When a positron encounters an electron, they annihilate each other, releasing two gamma-ray photons. PET scans detect these gamma-ray photons to create images of the internal organs and tissues, helping medical professionals diagnose and monitor various conditions, including cancer and brain disorders.

2. Particle Therapy: Particle therapy, also known as proton therapy, is a form of radiation therapy used to treat cancer. In particle therapy, high-energy protons or other charged particles, such as carbon ions, are accelerated to high speeds using particle accelerators (such as cyclotrons) based on the principles of particle physics. These particles deposit most of their energy at a specific depth in the patient's body, targeting tumors while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissues. The precision and control offered by particle therapy make it a valuable treatment option for certain types of cancer.

3. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): Although not directly relying on elementary particles, MRI technology involves the principles of quantum physics. MRI machines use a strong magnetic field, which is generated by superconducting magnets cooled to very low temperatures. These magnets generate a magnetic field that aligns the protons in the patient's body. When a radiofrequency pulse is applied, the protons absorb the energy and then release it as electromagnetic waves when they return to their original state. These signals are detected by receivers in the MRI machine, and a computer uses the information to create detailed images of the body's internal structures. MRI is widely used for diagnosis and monitoring of various medical conditions, providing high-resolution images without exposing patients to ionizing radiation.

To find more information about medical technologies that rely on the physics of elementary particles, you can search scientific literature, medical databases, or reputable websites specializing in medical imaging and radiation therapy. Additionally, consulting medical professionals who specialize in these fields can provide valuable insights and more specific information.