Arrange the available phrases in the correct sequence in the development of unstable atherosclerosis by dragging and dropping the phrases into the boxes.





Plasmin causes the thrombus to detach from the endothelium
Cholesterol is synthesised in the vessel wall
Macrophages enter the arterial wall
Fibrous cells and smooth muscle divide in the media.
The endothelial surface ruptures
Thrombocytes aggregate on the plaque surface
Fatty deposits are trapped in the arterial wall

To arrange the available phrases in the correct sequence in the development of unstable atherosclerosis, follow these steps:

1. Understand the process of unstable atherosclerosis:
Unstable atherosclerosis refers to the progression of fatty deposits (plaque) in the arterial wall, which can lead to the development of a blood clot (thrombus). This can eventually rupture the endothelial surface and cause various complications.

2. Analyze the provided phrases and their respective actions:
- Cholesterol is synthesized in the vessel wall: This indicates the initial accumulation of cholesterol in the arterial wall.
- Macrophages enter the arterial wall: This shows the infiltration of immune cells into the arterial wall, attracted by the deposited cholesterol.
- Fatty deposits are trapped in the arterial wall: This phrase highlights the trapping of cholesterol and other lipids within the arterial wall.
- Fibrous cells and smooth muscle divide in the media: This represents the proliferation of fibrous cells and smooth muscle cells within the arterial wall.
- The endothelial surface ruptures: This suggests the eventual rupture of the endothelial lining, exposing the underlying plaque.
- Thrombocytes aggregate on the plaque surface: This depicts the accumulation of platelets on the exposed plaque.
- Plasmin causes the thrombus to detach from the endothelium: Plasmin is an enzyme that can dissolve blood clots, so this phrase indicates the detachment of the blood clot from the arterial wall.

3. Arrange the phrases in the correct sequence:
Based on the process of unstable atherosclerosis, the correct sequence of the phrases is as follows:

1. Cholesterol is synthesized in the vessel wall
2. Macrophages enter the arterial wall
3. Fatty deposits are trapped in the arterial wall
4. Fibrous cells and smooth muscle divide in the media
5. The endothelial surface ruptures
6. Thrombocytes aggregate on the plaque surface
7. Plasmin causes the thrombus to detach from the endothelium

Drag and drop the phrases into the boxes accordingly:

1. Cholesterol is synthesized in the vessel wall
2. Macrophages enter the arterial wall
3. Fatty deposits are trapped in the arterial wall
4. Fibrous cells and smooth muscle divide in the media.
5. The endothelial surface ruptures
6. Thrombocytes aggregate on the plaque surface
7. Plasmin causes the thrombus to detach from the endothelium