Where does it takes less time to boil eggs: in a pan of boiling water or in a pressure cooker?

boil them, or cook them.

water in a pan boils faster, water in the pressure cooker is hotter when it boils.

The pressure cooker will cook them faster.

its boil

Pressure cooking is the process of cooking food, using water or other cooking liquid, in a sealed vessel, known as a pressure cooker.

It saves energy. Pressure is created by boiling a liquid or water inside the closed pressure cooker,
The water or liquid evaporated in the form of stream, this stream increases the internal pressure and allows the temperature to rise.
Hence, the boiling point of the liquid or water is increases

To determine where it takes less time to boil eggs, we need to consider a few factors: the difference in temperature between a pan of boiling water and a pressure cooker, the heating capabilities of each method, and the pressure under which the eggs are being cooked.

1. In a pan of boiling water:
- Start by filling a pan with water and bring it to a rolling boil.
- Gently place the eggs into the boiling water using a slotted spoon or tongs.
- The eggs will absorb heat from the hot water, gradually raising their internal temperature.
- On average, it takes about 8-12 minutes to get a fully boiled egg in a pan of boiling water, depending on the desired doneness (soft, medium, or hard-boiled).

2. In a pressure cooker:
- A pressure cooker works by raising the boiling point of water due to increased pressure.
- Fill the pressure cooker with the required amount of water as per the cooker's instructions.
- Place the eggs on a steamer rack or in a basket above the water level.
- Close the pressure cooker tightly and set it to the appropriate pressure level. This may vary depending on the cooker's design and instructions.
- The increased pressure within the cooker allows for higher temperatures, thus potentially reducing the cooking time for the eggs.
- On average, eggs can be fully boiled in a pressure cooker in about 4-6 minutes, depending on the pressure level and desired doneness.

Considering the average cooking times mentioned above, it generally takes less time to boil eggs in a pressure cooker compared to a pan of boiling water. However, it's important to note that the exact cooking times might vary based on factors such as the type and size of eggs, altitude, the power of the heat source, and individual preferences for doneness.