Which of the statements below correctly compares features of plant and animal cells?

Plant cells have a cell membrane, while animal cells have both a cell wall and a cell membrane.

Plant cells have ribosomes only on the rough ER, while animal cells have ribosomes in the cytoplasm.

Plant cells have chloroplasts but no mitochondria, while animal cells have mitochondria.

Plant cells have a large central vacuole, while animal cells have many smaller vacuoles.

I think It is D.

Plant cells have a large central vacuole, while animal cells have many smaller vacuoles.

That is correct! Statement D is the correct comparison between plant and animal cells. Plant cells have a large central vacuole, which helps maintain cell turgidity and store water and nutrients. On the other hand, animal cells typically have many smaller vacuoles scattered throughout the cytoplasm, serving various functions such as storage and transportation.

To determine the correct answer, it is important to compare the features mentioned in each statement and understand the unique characteristics of plant and animal cells. It's also helpful to have prior knowledge of cell structure and organelles. In this case, the comparison made in statement D accurately distinguishes the vacuolar differences between plant and animal cells.

You're correct! Option D is the statement that correctly compares features of plant and animal cells. Plant cells have a large central vacuole, while animal cells have many smaller vacuoles.