Aaron has a turkey farm. for every three male turkeys, he has 17 female turkeys. If he has 272 female turkeys, how many male turkeys does Aaron have?

I did
so x=48
Is this correct?
Thanks for checking over my work

check if ratio of

48: 272 = 3:17
Is it?
If yes, you are right.

thank you

Let's go through the steps to verify your solution:

Step 1: Set up the proportion using the given ratio "3 male turkeys for every 17 female turkeys":
3/17 = x/272

Step 2: Cross-multiply to find the value of x:
17x = 3 * 272

Step 3: Simplify and solve for x:
17x = 816
x = 816 / 17
x ≈ 48

So, your calculation is correct! Aaron has approximately 48 male turkeys. Well done!